Mental health explored at Ballina symposium

mental health symposium

The Buttery proudly participated in the inaugural Community Mental Health Symposium on Thursday, 11 August.

The symposium, organised by the Rotary Club of Ballina on Richmond, led by Dave Harmon, was initiated in response to Australia’s growing mental health crisis, particularly in the Northern Rivers, NSW.

A diverse range of presenters spoke at the event, including Frances Pidcock, The Buttery’s Clinical Operations Manager, who talked about how the not-for-profit mental health and specialist drug and alcohol organisation has been assisting people through its residential and outreach programs for nearly 50 years. The Buttery’s Stuart Nunan, QA Manager F2W and HASI Plus and Geoffrey Carthy, CORE Facilitator/Case Manager, were also in attendance.



The Buttery relies on the generosity of the community to fulfil its life-changing mission

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