Governance and Funding
The Buttery is an independent, community-based not-for-profit organisation located at Binna Burra near Bangalow in Northern NSW, Australia. A non-discriminatory organisation, not affiliated with any political or religious group, The Buttery serves people according to their need.
The Buttery's Patrons, Gillian and David Helfgott
The Buttery is a company limited by guarantee and was established in 1973. It relies on government funding and philanthropic support to fulfill its life-changing mission.
As a Deductible Gift Recipient, donations to The Buttery are fully tax deductible. As well as acknowledging the generous philanthropic support of donors. The Buttery gratefully acknowledges the continuing financial support it receives from generous donors, the NSW State and Commonwealth Governments, and NSW Health Department of Health (Commonwealth).
The Buttery is governed by volunteer Directors who receive no remuneration for their invaluable services.

Leone Crayden
Leone is Chair of the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA).
She has held positions as the Co-Chair of the Mental Health Network for the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) from 2015 to 2020 and Chairperson of the Mental Health Coordinating Council, NSW, for six years. Leone has also been a Board member of the Northern NSW Local Health District 2007-2015 and the Director of the Lady Musgrave Trust.
She has presented several papers on housing and homelessness, mental health, support services and the importance of the interface between clinical, psychosocial support and tenancy sustainment.
Leone has a background in nursing, social science, leadership and governance.
Clinical Governance Committee
The Clinical Governance Committee provides advice on clinical issues to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and senior clinical staff to ensure that The Buttery’s clinical programs are consistent with current best practice and deliver outcomes.
In providing guidance and advice, the Clinical Governance Committee ensures that a clinical perspective is considered by the CEO so that decisions, investments and innovations are client-centered, cost-effective, regionally relevant, aligned to local care expectations and appropriately prioritised.
The Buttery’s Clinical Governance Committee comprises external experts from mental health and The Buttery’s Leadership Team members with relevant qualifications. The Clinical Governance Committee provides indispensable advice about maintaining The Buttery’s clinical standards.
Ms Frances Pidcock
The Buttery Clinical Operations Manager, BSC Psychology, BA Nursing; Masters in Mental Health Nursing. Currently enrolled In MBA.
Ms Larissa McClelland
The Buttery Therapeutic Community Coordinator, Registered Nurse – psychiatric credentials and Diploma of Community Services.
Ms Leone Crayden
The Buttery CEO, BA Nursing, BA Social Science, Post Graduate Diploma Social Science (Research); Psychology (Hons), Graduate Certificate Governance, MBA.
Ms Sam Booker
The Buttery Intake and Assessment Team and Redress Support Service Manager, BPsychSc (Hons); Master Clinical Psychology.
Dr Bronwyn Hudson
External Committee Member
MBBS (Hons), DCH, MLLR, BCom (Hons).
Chairperson of the Byron Shire Medical Council, a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and an Advanced Trainee with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Chapter of Addiction Medicine.
Ms Corinne Maynard
Service Manager Richmond Clarence Alcohol and Other Drugs. Nursing, Masters in Counselling, Graduate Diploma in Health Service Management.
Dr Ian Hayes
Consultant Psychiatrist FRANZCP BM, MRC Psych, Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

Frances Pidcock

Sam Booker

Ari Soemardi

Karen Farrell

Joanne McLaughlin

Zac Dawkins
The Buttery is most grateful to David and Gillian Helfgott, who have supported The organisation as its Patrons since 2006.
Maestro David, whose life was portrayed in the Academy award-winning film, Shine, has enjoyed a musical career spanning 50 years.
“We are both extremely honoured to be Patrons of such an outstanding facility as The Buttery. We have watched with great admiration the expansion of the facilities and the healing and new life paths that are being achieved by residents through the dedication and inspiration of the staff.”
David and Gillian Helfgott