Learning to live again…

doug buttery private

35-year-old Doug came to The Buttery Private after 20 years of drug taking. Doug’s drug use, comprising a combination of methamphetamine, marijuana and GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyrate), had spiralled entirely out of control.

Doug had started dealing drugs to satiate his habit. He was kidnapped and robbed and attests, “Drug use gets glorified in the movies. My life was chaos. There was nothing glamourous about it. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and anxious all the time. I was renting an apartment for $600 per week but hopped from hotel to hotel because it was safer. I couldn’t sleep and dreaded the phone ringing.”

In consultation with his psychiatrist, Doug attended the Buttery Private to unpack reasons for his drug use.

“The moment you are picked up at the airport, you can see the warmth in the staff. Straight away felt, it felt like it was one big family. We would have lunch together daily, but I felt comfortable sharing from day one. There was no ‘us and them’. We were all in it together. Many of the staff have been through addiction at the Buttery Private, so they could tell immediately if I was having a bad day and would assist me in working through my feelings. You are built back up in a nurturing way.”

After finishing the Buttery Private program, Doug transitioned to The Buttery’s three-month Therapeutic Community program. Doug says he has learned valuable life skills at The Buttery.

“You learn to live again – taking bins out, cooking and cleaning. It teaches you to sit with boredom and gets you used to interacting with people and speaking to people instead of isolating. The program teaches you to do things other than use. I haven’t read books in ages but spent quiet time reading books, cooking, and chatting with people to fill the void.”

He also learned to manage a budget and live within his means.

“I used to spend $200 on Uber Eats daily. The program taught me to budget and think about what I’ll cook for the week. To buy supplies as I need them. Budgeting isn’t easy, but it’s reshaped my thinking.”

After completing the Therapeutic Community program, Doug plans to continue to make recovery my focus.

“My recovery comes before everything now. I continue to attend meetings. Recovery is my main priority.”



The Buttery relies on the generosity of the community to fulfil its life-changing mission

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