Amy took time out for her boys

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As the mother of two young boys, Amy* wanted to be available and sober for them.

But I was drinking too much, not every day, however I was finding I couldn’t guarantee I’d be there for them when they needed me.

To manage her drinking, Amy had taken part in a 12 Step program for four years. However she felt she needed something more to “break the cycle.”

So she enrolled in The Buttery’s CORE non-residential rehab.

She could attend sessions during the day and be home in time for her boys after school.

I found the CORE program very inspiring. It gave me a much better understanding of the way I see the world. It gave me the tools I need to make decisions.”

“The self-reflection the program caused me to do was painful and difficult. But I had no option but to do the program because I needed help to overcome drinking.”

The therapists, Tanya, Geoffrey and Brendan are very qualified and talented and that’s why the program works so well for me and others who take part.

Amy, who has worked in disability support is keen to pursue further study in this area so she can return to working to contribute to her community.

Amy* is an assumed name to preserve privacy. Library image used.



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